Friday, October 2, 2009
The Sims Dancers
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Big Girl - Maria grew up fast in order to keep up with her siblings! She was very dependent at an early age and quickly had to do everything by herself! She is even starting kindergarten this year, although she is only 4. She is very shy until you get her to warm up to you. Then she can talk your ear off! I love how when I take her on our tag a long bike that she sits behind me and talks the whole ride! She stayed at my dad's once and when he returned her, he mentioned how she jabbers a lot! She will fill you in on every detail of her life! Too cute! Here are some snap shots of her at dinner and cleaning up. Teach them young to take care of themselves, it is much easier on the mom and teaches them responsibility!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009

Like most moms I am rarely in the photos that are taken. I do not like to be photographed mainly because of my weight (a picture reminds me how much weight I should lose... guilt) and because I am usually taking the photo. But here is one a friend sent me. It was taken at the Canal Winchester Relay for Life 2008. This is one of the years I was the chairman of it, so I am surprised that she got me to stay still long enough to pose.
Another reason I post this photo is because my hubby is in it. I love him so much and I am so blessed to have him. He just left this morning for a week long vacation with Curtis to the Boundary Waters of Minnesota. A 15 hour trip to no man's land! Every year he goes camping with a few members of his family and this year they decided to take an adventure. Bill is always looking for an outdoor adventure! Last year he and Curt camped in the Everglades. This year they are on the North side of the states in a cabin in the woods. From crocs to bears! (Actually when they were in the everglades, they never saw one crocodile! We saw more nature from my dad's patio than they did in the everglades!). Just one more thing off his "bucket list". We are planning a trip to Colorado for next summer so that will take care of the West side of the states. He also took Curt and Alex to DC last March so technically he did the East coast as well. Hmmm... what have I done??? Nothing, but take care of the kids left behind! Oh well. My time will come... I believe I have a 40th coming up and maybe I will just take off by myself!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Buy Two Get One Free!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Uppercase Living Give Away!
I LOVE Uppercase Living and I know you will too! So to help you get started in decorating your home with words that express who you are, I am giving away $25 gift certificate!
Here’s what you have to do -
1. Visit
2. Create an account or Log in
3. Look through the new Fall/Winter Online Catalog (seriously, you will fall in love!)
4. Post in the Comments what your most favorite item is!
5. This will close on September 10, 2009. I will draw a name from everyone who leaves a comment.
You want some EXTRAS? I always LOVE incentives!
If you want to host a catalog party, I will be more than happy to help you do this! I will mail you catalogs that you can pass around to your friends, co-workers, neighbors. This is a great and easy way to earn free products! Collect $200 in sales and I will give you a $5 gift certificate towards your order.
An easier way to receive free Uppercase Living products is to hold an OPEN HOUSE and invite all your friends and family to see how to express themselves throughout their homes! Like above if you collect $200 in sales, you will receive the $5 gift certificate or if you collect more than $400 in sales I will up it to a $10 gift certificate. That is in addition to all the free expressions and half off items you will earn!
There is NO better time to check out Uppercase Living! I guarantee you will love it as much as I do! If you would like an exciting way to earn extra money and take advantage of wonderful incentives, just ask me how you can become a demonstrator for only $99!
Questions? You can email me at or leave a comment!
Uppercase Living products can warm your heart and make you smile!
glass blocks = cute gifts