I cannot believe how long it has been since I posted last. Wow time really does fly by! I am actually having mega computer problems. So here is what has been happening in the glorious days of May. (spring is my favorite time - love it when God's beautiful creation comes alive!)

My precious baby, Maria. Her curls really start to SPRING when it gets hot!

Olivia at swim lessons. She improved so much! She actually dove off the diving board and swam to the edge all by herself! She even learned how to do free style and breath to the side. Maybe I will have a swimmer after all to follow in my footsteps.

Of course there were the horse shows. The last 3 pics were taken at the All American Youth Horse show at the Ohio State Fairgrounds. Alex showed in 4 classes in the very large coliseum. It was quite the experience for her and I was very proud of the way she road and jumped! Didn't place but still did well considering she has only ridden
BUBBA for 4 months and was competing in the 14-18 age group!

This was taken at a fun show in Lancaster. Alex took home a few first places and had a lot of fun with all the girls at the barn!

This is typical of Mercedes. She loves to lay her head down on you. She is always coming up and placing her chin on my leg wanting affection. This time however, she was just resting on top of Olivia. I think they stayed like this for at least a half an hour!

The cutest bubble bee and butterfly ever! Maria, Olivia and Anna were in a play at church, called Noah
Fluedde. All the kids at church were animals and the costumes were great. Anna was a horse of course! They did not have big parts in the play (adults played all the people) but the show was done exceptionally well and my girls had fun being a part of it!
I know no pictures of Curt. Well, it is baseball season so I will post some soon. Curt is doing great on his Indians rec. team. Bill is coaching Anna's softball team (quite the challenge since most have never played ball before). Both Curt and Anna pitch so it keeps me stressed! Olivia is playing
Tball for the first time, that is always entertaining! She loves it though! Of course Alex spends 5 out of 7 days at the barn. So you can imagine what I do most of my days... drive kids around and watch them do all their activities. One day they will all be gone and I have no idea what we will do with all that spare time... except do it all over again with the
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