Monday, April 27, 2009

Not just for the walls!

Uppercase Living is not just for the walls... check out how others have used their expressions and designs!

The perfect way to jazz up a cute little bedside table!

This design gives this bathroom a little extra flair! Love it!

Imagine your name with the year you were married on your favorite mirror! You could even cluster it with your wedding pictures or pictures of your family!

Great inspirational message applied to one of our boards. You just have to paint it with craft paint, then apply your expression, add some ribbon and you have your own masterpiece that looks great in any room!

Okay, this one is on the walls, but I thought it was so beautiful! Remember you can create your own expressions by using the Uppercase Living My Expressions tool on line. You can actually create it in many different fonts and colors then see exactly what it looks like before you order it!

Now that I have inspired your creative side, let me know what you would like to create for your home using Uppercase Living vinyl expressions! Do these masterpieces excite you about the possibilities for your home decor? Would you like to earn lots of free expressions to display in your home? Then host an open house, just ask me how!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

CROP 4 the CURE 2009

We raised $2000 to help the American Cancer Society find a cure for cancer!
The 2009 Crop 4 the Cure was held on April 18 at the Canal Winchester High School. We had 54 ladies in attendance, who enjoyed 9 hours of scapbooking! It is always a lot of hard work to make this happen but it is always worth it when I see everyone having such a good time and so giving to a good cause!
This crop is to benefit the 4HOPE Relay For Life team (the national fundraiser for the American Cancer Society) and pictured above (the one not scrapping) is one of my team mates. She helped me in so many ways! I am very thankful to have such a wonderful person to help me during this chaotic day!

The raffle table! So many awesome prizes to give away every hour!

The FOOD! A free lunch is included with the registration fee. This year it was soup and salad, much of which was donated by Super Suppers of Canal Winchester! Thanks Connie!

This is the Scrapbookers Haven display. Carla does such cool lazer die cuts and it is always a popular place for the scrappers to shop!

This is Hillari Corey and myself in front of our Uppercase Living display. She is a wonderful "up line" and I look forward to working with her with my new business! Let me know if you want to book a party or become an awesome distributor like Hillari and me!

My friends who came all the way from North Canton (my home town). They had a great girls weekend away and I am glad they came to scrap!

Silent Auction items! This was a great year for the silent auction. I am really grateful to all the vendors who donated the merchandise for this auction. I think all the scrappers like to have some fun by bidding again and again. Plus knowing it all goes to the American Cancer Society makes everyone bid high! Do you see the big tote in the middle of the table (brown and pink)? It is a Livy Marie and is worth $42. Well, the bids kept going all the way to $72!!!!! I was in shock and very grateful to the winner for donating so much!

My two good friends that came all the way from Michigan to spend the day scrapping! They were a tremendous help in setting up and tearing down as well. Behind them is another terrific friend who lends a big hand! I am so grateful to all the wonderful friends God has blessed me with and I really appreciate their help in raising the much needed funds to find a cure!

It is not too late to help donate to this great cause! Remember every dollar helps us get one step closer to finding a cure! Go to to find out more information about the event and to join my team, 4HOPE. You can also make a donation from there as well!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Summer Inspiration

Love this! If you do to, order your Uppercase Living Expression today and create this cute summer look!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Unusual Easter

Glorious Easter! The day most Christians set aside to take time to reflect on our risen Savior. It is also the day that the secular society fills with Easter bunnies, candy and eggs. Both of which my family enjoys and have created many traditions around. The preparations for this wonderful holiday use to start weeks in advance. We would shop for the perfect Easter outfits to wear, including myself! Then I would pick up Easter treats making sure to include special gifts for each one of the kids. Sometimes we would have a neighborhood Easter egg hunt and include our resurrection eggs to help teach the Easter Story. Of course there is the coloring of eggs, which we do just for the fun of dipping eggs into dye, because only a few of us likes hard boiled eggs and none like egg salad! I know over the years we have developed these wonderful traditions that my kids will not forget and are made into family memories.

BUT this is how this year went....

We went to North Canton on Good Friday to celebrate not only Easter with my side of the family, but also my Grandmother's 99th birthday. What a great way to start the holiday! We took her to mass which was very special to her and I was surprised to see her keep up with all the kneeling and standing you had to do at this particular Catholic mass! She is amazing! We then went to my brothers house and spent the weekend together. It was very nice to relax with family!

We were just missing my brother Marc and his family. But my nephew Zach kept us all entertained as he threw every ball he could find and wrestled Olivia and Maria! HE IS ALL BOY... but oh so adorable!

So back in Columbus on Saturday I find myself scrambling around to make sure everyone has their Easter outfits ready! In the good ol' days I would of spent weeks before Easter, making sure everyone had something new and special to wear. I would even find matching hair bows and little hand bags or hats for the girls. Well, life with 5 kids does not go that way any more! We are so busy that the holidays kind of creep up on you! So luckily I had enough hand me down dresses for my little ones to choose from and tights to wear as well! The older kids just wore whatever they had. It makes me realize how silly it was that everything just had to be perfect when they were younger. I know I stressed over all those little details too! So although I long for those not so chaotic days, I am glad that I am too busy to worry over the little things!

So the Easter Bunny comes to our house on Sat. night and hides the kids baskets, like always. Early Sunday morning I get up and thought I would get breakfast cooking while the kids start to wake up. Well, after 15 minutes of the oven heating up, Bill comes down and discovers an Easter basket melting in our oven! Oooops! Luckily it was Curt's and he was a trooper about it! His chocolate bunny was mush and his plastic eggs were melted. But notice the candy dots where not even touched by the heat! Good ol' fashioned candy! There were sunglasses in the basket and they got warped. I felt terrible and after shedding a few tears, we laughed about it!

So off to church we went then we came home to the basic Easter dinner, ham, potatoes, corn, rolls, etc. After lunch was our traditional egg hunt outside, with Olivia finding all the money eggs! It was a nice family day. Towards the end of the day, it dawned on me we had not colored easter eggs, so we scrambled to get them done! No matter how old you are it is still fun to color eggs! Of course no one in my family like hard boiled eggs, so they still sit in my frig. Oh well, it is the fun tradition that counts!

I hope all of you had a blessed Easter holiday as well. If you have a funny story to share about it, leave me a comment!

Remember, Christ loves us so much he died for us! Praise be to GOD!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Uppercase Living

Imagine having the ability to transform YOUR HOME with the POWER of words!

Imagine being able to EXPRESS what INSPIRES you on your walls!

Words can change our attitudes, influence our behavior, and ultimately inspire us to reach a little higher. Uppercase Living can help you embrace the power of words as well as add beauty to your home decor! We sell professional quality vinyl lettering in hundreds of ready to order expressions or you can design your own. They come in many colors and sizes and you can even get some for less than ten dollars! They are simple to apply to almost any surface.

My first design I ordered was one that Anna had picked out. It says to BE AN ORIGINAL. I purchased a bulletin board and applied some beautiful green scrapbook paper on it. I then applied my two colored design and jazzed it up with some gems I had ordered. The black frame makes a classy piece of art. All 5 of my kids are definitely ORIGINALS and I cannot wait to showcase some "original" photos of them on this beautiful board!

I loved making that project and cannot wait to "write all over my walls" with more great expressions. Bill and I cannot determine what we want where because there are so many great sayings that we would love to showcase in our home. It is so hard to choose from our favorite Bible verses, famous quotes, motivational words, and just some fun expressions!

Because I have such a love for this product I am excited to be selling it! I want to help others to be inspired and express themselves on their walls. Just this weekend I was at my sister in laws' and we walked around her home and discussed all the possibilities. It was endless! A saying to go above her family photos, one in her kitchen above her pantry, something fun in her laundry room, her son's name on his bedroom wall, a surfing expression for her kids bathroom, etc. It is so much fun to see how you can add a few words to a room and feel like you have added new decor without spending a lot!

If you too would like to transform your home with the power of words, book an open house today! I would be glad to help you and your friends discover the perfect expression for you! Check out my website and explore the possibilities for you

As I continue to create more projects I will post photos of them here. The following are from the catalog and can give you some ideas of what Uppercase Living has to offer you!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Update to add INSPIRATION!

Be patient while I try to update this blog! I am trying a new template that blogspot offers, but it is not doing anything for me. IT IS NOT INSPIRING ME. So I am on the hunt for a new template to use. Since I have limited time to work on this, it could be a few days before I post again. Until then we will live with the green.

My next blog post will introduce to you my new inspiration! I told you before I go through hobbies like ...hmmm... my children go through cereal! This new inspiration is not a hobby however, but a business! I needed some way to help with the cost of a horse and I love this new product I am selling! SO stay tuned to find out how you too can be inspired everyday!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Friday Highlights

Happy 99th Birthday lil' Gram!

My grandmother is the most fascinating and wonderful woman I have ever known. She has been through so much in almost a 100 years! She was born in 1910, lived through the depression and many wars. She lost her husband and her father in law in the same year, after taking care of them while they suffered from cancer. She then had to fight her own battle with cancer and she did it all very quietly, not letting to many people even know. Finally she had to see her daughter, my mom, lose her battle with cancer. No one wants to outlive their children. I know that pain still hurts her heart everyday.

She is a very independent woman. She is a woman of service, always giving of her time to others. In fact up into her late 80's she still continued to volunteer at Bingo night, helping count the money! She sewed at a nursing facility for many years, and we would joke that she was much older than most of the residents there! Yet she would drive a group of ladies down to the home and do her part even after her hands could only sew a button on. Is it no wonder that a woman who is so independent and giving still lives by herself?! That is right, at the age of 99 she is still living in her home alone! Yes, the years have caught up with her and her eye sight is not as good as it once was and she walks with a cane, but she still gets out now and then and lives her life. She still manages to get to church every week and out to dinner now and then.

When I ask her about her life and how lucky she is to live so long she said, "It has it's advantages and disadvantages. On one hand it is wonderful to see her children (2), grandchildren (4), and great grandchildren (11) grow up and experience life, but on the other hand, she has seen all her friends and some family pass on to heaven before her." I would imagine it is pretty lonely when all those people are gone and you only have a few loved ones left. One day she will be in heaven and there will be the biggest welcoming committee there to greet her! Until then I am glad she is still here being a part of my life. Love you lil'gram!