Monday, April 20, 2009

Unusual Easter

Glorious Easter! The day most Christians set aside to take time to reflect on our risen Savior. It is also the day that the secular society fills with Easter bunnies, candy and eggs. Both of which my family enjoys and have created many traditions around. The preparations for this wonderful holiday use to start weeks in advance. We would shop for the perfect Easter outfits to wear, including myself! Then I would pick up Easter treats making sure to include special gifts for each one of the kids. Sometimes we would have a neighborhood Easter egg hunt and include our resurrection eggs to help teach the Easter Story. Of course there is the coloring of eggs, which we do just for the fun of dipping eggs into dye, because only a few of us likes hard boiled eggs and none like egg salad! I know over the years we have developed these wonderful traditions that my kids will not forget and are made into family memories.

BUT this is how this year went....

We went to North Canton on Good Friday to celebrate not only Easter with my side of the family, but also my Grandmother's 99th birthday. What a great way to start the holiday! We took her to mass which was very special to her and I was surprised to see her keep up with all the kneeling and standing you had to do at this particular Catholic mass! She is amazing! We then went to my brothers house and spent the weekend together. It was very nice to relax with family!

We were just missing my brother Marc and his family. But my nephew Zach kept us all entertained as he threw every ball he could find and wrestled Olivia and Maria! HE IS ALL BOY... but oh so adorable!

So back in Columbus on Saturday I find myself scrambling around to make sure everyone has their Easter outfits ready! In the good ol' days I would of spent weeks before Easter, making sure everyone had something new and special to wear. I would even find matching hair bows and little hand bags or hats for the girls. Well, life with 5 kids does not go that way any more! We are so busy that the holidays kind of creep up on you! So luckily I had enough hand me down dresses for my little ones to choose from and tights to wear as well! The older kids just wore whatever they had. It makes me realize how silly it was that everything just had to be perfect when they were younger. I know I stressed over all those little details too! So although I long for those not so chaotic days, I am glad that I am too busy to worry over the little things!

So the Easter Bunny comes to our house on Sat. night and hides the kids baskets, like always. Early Sunday morning I get up and thought I would get breakfast cooking while the kids start to wake up. Well, after 15 minutes of the oven heating up, Bill comes down and discovers an Easter basket melting in our oven! Oooops! Luckily it was Curt's and he was a trooper about it! His chocolate bunny was mush and his plastic eggs were melted. But notice the candy dots where not even touched by the heat! Good ol' fashioned candy! There were sunglasses in the basket and they got warped. I felt terrible and after shedding a few tears, we laughed about it!

So off to church we went then we came home to the basic Easter dinner, ham, potatoes, corn, rolls, etc. After lunch was our traditional egg hunt outside, with Olivia finding all the money eggs! It was a nice family day. Towards the end of the day, it dawned on me we had not colored easter eggs, so we scrambled to get them done! No matter how old you are it is still fun to color eggs! Of course no one in my family like hard boiled eggs, so they still sit in my frig. Oh well, it is the fun tradition that counts!

I hope all of you had a blessed Easter holiday as well. If you have a funny story to share about it, leave me a comment!

Remember, Christ loves us so much he died for us! Praise be to GOD!

1 comment:

Trish said...

I laughed so hard I cried! Poor Curt!! I'm gonna get him a new chocolate bunny!