When I unwrapped the pellet we all just about gagged, it really looks like a big ol' turd! We then started to pick it apart (we had 3 of them to dig through) with tweezers and tooth picks. At first no one wanted to touch it with their fingers, but it is just about impossible to dig out the bones without doing so.
As long as you did not think about what you were actually tearing apart it was not so bad, but the minute I tore some fur (and it actually is still soft and furry) it is hard not to think of the creature before it was in this state! For about 30 minutes all the kids dug in, even my 4 year old!
After a while they lost interest and went to play (after washing their hands in bleach!), but my 10 y.o. stayed until she could lay out all the bones and reconstruct the creature. My son eventually came back and made his too. There was even teeth still in the skull bones!