That is the question... Saturday every one's answer was NO. At the open house I only sold one bag... and that was to my good friend Malinda! Thanks for the generosity Malinda - sh
e felt bad for me. We split a table together at the show. She sells Avon (if anyone needs a catalog, let me know and I will get one for you!). She said she did not need all her space and I could have half... well in the end I got a little corner of the table, she just about pushed me off! Luckily I did not need much space and I am just teasing her! The turn out was slow in the beginning but it pic
ked up as the afternoon went on. Thanks to Trish for stopping by to see my display (see her comment in the post below!). I still had fun hanging out with the girls and meeting new people - a BIG thanks to Melissa Weller for putting it together.
Here are some medium totes I stayed up late on Friday finishing for the show. The black swirl one is the one Malinda bought for her sister. That was
definitely a popular one. Alexandra also likes it, so I suppose I should WHIP one up for her birthday this Saturday. My oldest baby is going to be 14! WOW!
OK, on to a more humorous topic. Whenever there is an entertaining story to tell, it usually comes from Olivia! She is such a funny 5 y.o.! I came home from my walk tonight and was immediately greeted at the door by her. She was demanding I come and sit at the table for a family meeting! She even had water poured for me in a little tea cup. It appears that someone ate the candy corn off her brownie that she won at Trunk Or Treat last night. She gathered the family around and wrote our names down on paper. She proceeded to question each of us to determined who ate the candy corn. She would put an X through their name if she did not think they did it. This discussion went on for a while. We could not agree on how many candy corn there was on top, but did come to the conclusion that Curt and Anna each had one, but there should of
been some left over. Olivia commented on how all this is very "sub-spicious"! She even put on her "inspection goggles" and investigated the brownie. It was also found out the Alex ate a corner off the brownie, but no candy corn. They also all pointed the finger at me, but I reassured them that although tempted, I did NOT eat them! It ended with everyone apologizing for nibbling on her brownie, including her dad who ate her first brownie the night before without asking! Then she gave what was left to Maria and she had a piece of pumpkin pie! Too funny!
M & M - Mercedes and Maria
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