Here in Columbus, we got about 6 inches of snow in the last few days. The kids have been busy shoveling drive ways for people and having fun playing in the snow. They cannot stay out too long because it is quite chilly as well. Last night, just as I was leaving to take Alex to her horse lessons, the snow turned to an icy mixture. Bill told me not to go and he headed out to help the village plow the streets (he loves driving the snow plow trucks!). But I went anyways and cut her lesson short and we made it there and back safely. This morning I woke to an icy wonderland! It brings me back to the days of being at
Bowling Green State University. There were many days that we had ice storms and the whole campus would be frozen over! My friend and I would bundle up and walk around just looking at all the beautiful ice hanging off of the trees. Of course I have some bad memories of ice storms too. Living in Michigan we definitely had our share of ice! Our little house was surrounded by some BIG old trees and whenever we had an ice storm we would hold our breath and hope that none of the branches would come down and crush our house! Once we had one come down and land on our small unattached garage and Bill's car that was parked next to it. My car was in the garage and amazingly came out ok. So living here in Canal Winchester it is nice to be away from those BIG ice storms and just have these "freeze overs" now and then!
Bill came home from h
is spiritual retreat a new man! One of the things he was ready to face was the fact that he/we spend to much time in front of the television! So to help us break that habit I quickly declared a no TV week! The TV can only be turned on in the wee hours of the morning when the little ones get up too early for me to function yet. I have to get my first cup of coffee, check emails and try to get a devotion in! Other than that we are not to turn it on! I have wanted to do this for some time, but never had the support of my family, especially Bill. So far we have started to read a book out loud, "The Hittite Warrior," about the times of the judges in 1200BC. If you have never read Judges 3-4 you should, it is quite a interesting story, if not funny. Curtis said it was his favorite Bible story. When he told his dad his favorite story was of Ehud, Bill said, "Who?" When you read the story you will know why he likes it so much! Last night we played "Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader." Only Alex was, figures! I lost my $500,000 question - "Where was the first battle of the civil war?" Yes, I should of known this, especially since I just taught it to my kids last year! I knew it was in South Carolina and I
can remember the details of the war, but could not remember the name of it! If you do not know then you will have to look it up! What is really sad is that Alex could not save me! She should of known the answer - did her teacher not teach her anything? Curt knew it, of course, anything having to do with fighting he can remember! SO goes the nights without TV! Tonight we will continue to read our book and probably play a few more games. Great quality family time!