Monday, January 12, 2009

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!

Finally we got some snow. Only a few inches of the powdery type, but I'll take it! In celebration of this occasion I made snowman pancakes for my kid's breakfast. I stole this idea from Melissa Lester . Check out her blog for many creative ideas - she is the "hostess with the mostess"! I looked at her blog and thought "move over Martha Stewart!" Everything she does seems to scream LOVE! I have heard her speak and she has such a love of the Lord and it shows in everything she does! So my snowman were not an original idea, but that is what Melissa wants to accomplish, inspiring others. My snowman were original in one way... they were pumpkin flavored! Try making some yourself - I am sure your family will think they are fun and delicious as much as mine did.

I have to run and shovel snow with my son then get on with schooling. I will post my recipe for pumpkin pancakes tomorrow.


Melissa Lester said...

Hi Kris, thank you for leaving me a comment so I could pop over here to visit! Your snowman pancake turned out so cute! And how cool that you actually had real snow to go along with your snow-day brunch. Our temps in Alabama reached almost 80 degrees on our special day, but I keep insisting that our wishful thinking must have brought on the cooler weather we are now experiencing. :)

Your blog is so cute, and those bags are amazing! I look forward to looking around some more.

Kris said...

Thank you Melissa for leaving me a comment! I heard you speak at our ladies day a "few" years back (Fishinger and Kenny Church of Christ in Columbus) and you inspired me then. Now it is nice to be able to read your blog and get inpired again! Thank you so much for sharing your life and God's love with so many!