My oldest daughter, Alex, is obsessed with horses since as long as I can remember! This obsession has taken us on a journey into the "horse world". First it was just horse camps, then a FREE horse club where she got to ride 3 times a week, then there were lessons from a friend, which eventually led to us leasing that friends horse and of course there is our venture into 4H. We leased the horse for about 6 months and in that time I was in charge of "mucking" the stall! We recently ended the lease and signed up with our barn's trainer for Alex to get some lessons from her. This trainer will take her to shows and lease us a horse for her to show at fair.
SO on Tuesday night was to be her first lesson. I cannot express in words how excited she was. She started talking about it a week ahead and that morning she was bouncing off the walls waiting for us to go... at 4:30! Finally the time arrives for us to get ready to leave. I start the van (because it was frozen over!) then go to retrieve my muck boots in the garage. Normally this would be no big deal, except I stepped on the first step wrong and went air born. My hand broke my fall and my wrist took the weight of my body! If you know me you know that is a lot of weight! I screamed and yelled for help, knowing it was broke!
This is funny - Curt is the first to find me. He sees me on the ground crying and panics! He runs around the kitchen trying to find the phone, "where's the phone" is all I could hear over and over! (I had taken it upstairs earlier - he would never of found it) I yelled to him that I did not need the phone. There was no need to call 911!
Bill came home and accessed the damage and we knew we had to go to the urgent care to get it x-rayed. I was so upset for Alex. I think I cried more for her - that she had to miss her lesson. She of course was more concerned for me and understood.
So the outcome of my downfall was a sprained wrist - not broken. The doctor even looked at the x-rays twice because I told him he had to be wrong! I am glad it is not broken, especially since it is my right hand! I am surprised I an even typing today! My fingers are finally working!
Pictures of
the day: My sisters in law modeling there reversible aprons I made for them as Christmas gifts! They put them on and started singing "I can bring home the bacon... fried up in a pan!" Quite comical! I also made an apron for Lin in Christmas colors and it was so cute! She does a lot of Christmas baking every year (no one makes better cookies) so I know she will get a lot of use out of it!

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