Hello all! Finally a minute to get back to my blog! I have so many pics I want to share since I last posted but it would become the world's biggest blog post! So I have narrowed it down to try to fill you in on what has been going on with Livy Marie, my family and myself. Warning this post will be long... so grab a cup of coffee, tea, cocoa or whatever your favorite beverage is and bare with me!
I also finished up a weekender bag for a customer in the black damask that I love! I was suppose to get it out to her before she took off for the holidays, but time got away from me and I just missed her! I feel so bad, but with the holidays fast approaching and 5 kids to school and prep for Christmas my brain became MUSH! So her bag is going out in the mail and I hope she loves it as much as I do! Love the black fru-fru she added to the top! Another touch of flare!
Second, family: We had an extra special holiday this year. I think because it fell on a Thursday that it seemed extra long which was very nice! Bill's family came in for the traditional Christmas Eve celebration. This was my niece's first year with her new hubby so it was nice to have him join our festivities. We always have a wonderful dinner then sit around the table (all 15 of us) and play the question game/dinner conversations to go! We always learn so much about each other and have quite a few laughs in the process! We then enjoyed a great Christmas day
as a family. My son has a habit of waking up extra early and getting us all out of bed - this year it was 5:30am! He said he was up since 4:30am! Yes, he is 12 and still gets extra excited on Christmas morning! The big gifts this year was a saddle for Alex (my biggest bargain of the shopping season!), wii games and a skate board for Curt, Anna got her poetry "published" in a photobook, and Olivia and Maria got all sorts of girl stuff (barbies, games, make up kit, etc). Bill and I both decided we would not exchange gifts this year, but we both got each other stockings full of small gifts! We
think a like! With all that being said the best part of my Christmas was having my Aunt and my grandmother come and spend the night with us. My
grandmother is 98 and I do not know how many more Christmas' we will get to spend with her, so it was extra special being with her. She is so cute, especially when she is sitting on my couch wrapped up in Maria's princess blanket watching the kids play Guitar Hero. I sure if she could see the screne she would not of approved and I am sure she turned down her hearing aide to block out the loud music!
Next, friends: What a better way to ring in the new year than by being with good friends. We took a trip up to Michigan and stayed two nights with our old friends, the Careys! I met my good friend Trish, when we both worked for Merillat in Adrian Michigan. It just so happened that we were getting married within a week of each other so we had a lot to talk about and our friendship blossomed from there! To strengthen it even more, we had our first babies within a few months of each other and practically lived at each others houses trying to figure out the "mom" thing! We only lived in Michigan for 5 years, but those were some of the best days of my life! It was nice to go back and visit and get caught up! Our kids all got a long so well - they instantly became a rock band and spent their time performing on Guitar Hero World Tour. I have it all on tape so we can laugh at it for years to come - musicians they are not! Us adults sat around and played games and had our own fun - just like old times!
Trish and I always manage to escape the madhouse and get away for lunch, this time with my good friend Lisa! We had a nice time even though we discussed medical issues most of the time! Boy we are getting old! The Lord has blessed with some wonderful people in my life and the Carey's and Lisa are definitely part of that group!
Lastly, tackling 2009: (I told you this was going to be long!) I am not one to make New Years Resolutions, but this year I did. They are not written down, but they have been going around in my head for the last week, so hopefully they stick! I think overall we as humans should just start out every year with high expectations and every intention of meeting them! Who cares if we fail as long as we try to be better people to those around us! I just need to get my priorities straight, God, husband, kids, family, friends, others, myself! Then everything else will fall into it's place. So I will not ramble on about the details.
I will continue with Livy Marie, but I do not have any set goals for it. I will most likely make bags as people wish for them and as birthday gifts, but will not seek any large quantities of orders. This is somewhat discouraging because I really had every intention of creating a business and sticking with it - with the goal of making money. But God had told me in many ways that my family was suffering and my relationship with Him was also suffering! So I will narrow down the business, get back on track and see where He leads me! With that being said, if you would like a bag, put your order in anytime, I will still make one for you! (that is right after I finish up the 5 orders I have in the works!)
Keep checking back and feel free to leave a comment in the box! God bless you all!
What fun! Sorry to hear about your wrist. That's a bummer. You should have called me!! We could have taken Alex and the girls would LOVE to watch her. Call next time you're in a bind... Or flat on your butt whichever ;) hey I got loads of jeans if you need a next size up for Olivia? Maria? Let me know...tell ya 'bout my patterns later. Things are on the move!! I'll be needing your "freelance" skills to test them in February!
I would love to help you test your patterns! Thanks for the offer to take Alex next time! Hopefully there will not be a next time!
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