Saturday, January 24, 2009

Friday Highlights - belated

All day yesterday I meant to post my "Friday Highlights" but never got around to it. So here is a belated post!
This Friday I wanted to Highlight one of my favorite blogs that I recently discovered thanks to my friend Tonya. This is a blog written by a wonderful Christian woman named Melissa Lester. I heard her speak a few years ago and she inspired me then just as much as she inspires me now through her blog! When you first read her blog you might think she is "over the top" or "can she be real?" but trust me she does everything with a lot of love behind it and the more you continue to read, the more that comes shining through. I say..."move over Martha Stewart, Melissa Lester is taking over!" (with a lot more class!) Enjoy!

1 comment:

Melissa Lester said...

Oh, you are too sweet! Reading this came at a time I really needed it. We are a couple of hours away from Mary Ashley's birthday party, and I have been feeling so exhausted and overwhelmed this morning that I have been forgetting how much I enjoy making these memories for my children. Joe has been working late all week, I have been having back trouble, and it has been so difficult to get the house in order with the children coming along behind me and ... not helping. So thank you for reminding me today what an honor it is to celebrate my child. You have given my spirit a much-needed lift!