February 13, 2009 this beautiful baby boy was born to a wonderful mother. A mother who knew she could not take care of her new baby in the situation she was in. God gave her the courage and strength to make the decision to let someone else raise her beloved little boy. That someone else is my brother and his wife. They flew from Colorado to Ohio to adopt this little angel. They already have a 2 y.o. little girl named Maya that they adopted as well. Now they are blessed again with this wonderful gift of a baby boy! Adoption is an amazing thing! I am in awe at how woman find the strength to give up their babies to the care of some complete stranger. I also admire those who take the gifts and love them like their own! I am happy with my family of five children but if God ever decides that we should add to our family, I pray it is through adoption!

The Aunts admiring their new nephew!

There is no sweeter picture than this one! My 98 y.o. (soon to be 99) grandmother holding her new great grand baby! I just wish my mom was around to share in the JOY!

This got Bill's heart aching for another baby! He is such a baby lover! Of course Maria is all for having a baby in the house! If only she could change the diapers!

Kathy trying to juggle it all! Feeding the baby and balancing Maya on her lap! I wish we lived closer so I could help her out! It is hard to be a new mom when you are so far away from family. Kathy had to stay in Ohio for 3 weeks until all the papers cleared, so at least she had some family around to help out in the beginning. However, Marc had to go back to Colorado and leave his little ones behind. It was a hard time for the whole family, but now they are all together and adjusting well to their family of 4!

Praise God for this little blessing!
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