I will not write a post about the election results. It saddens me too much to think that our country chose to elect a man with no experience leading anything to now lead our country.
So if I look at the postitive... the election in 2012 will result in a republican president for sure (after Obama messes everything up), our school levy failed and I will not be taxed a huge amount in the coming years and the gambling casino failed. Yea!

Look at this picture of Alex SEWING! I have rubbed off on her and now she cannot stay away from the machine! She is sewing PJ pants for her siblings. Curt was in desperate need of some and I have been wanting to make them. I bought a bunch of flannel when it was on sale. She has now whipped out 4 pairs of them in a few days. Next step is to teach her to cut and interface my fabric for purses! Speaking of purses you may have noticed I have not posted any pics of recent productions.. that is because I have taken a break from making them. After not selling them at that show, I did not feel a rush to make any more. I hopefully will be selling them soon at CW's local coffee shop and will make some new bags. Until then, if you want one for a Christmas gift let me know!