Monday, November 24, 2008

Laugh then laugh some more!

You have all heard the saying, "Laughing adds years to your life!" well if this is true, then I am going to live way over 100! Last night my friend, JoAnn and I went to see Anita Renfroe at the Grove City Church of the Nazarene. I wish I would have taken all my girlfriends! She was hilarious! I laughed the whole 2 hours we were there! If you have never heard of her, she is a christian comedian and you MUST check out some of the YouTube videos of her. She is known for the "Mom's William Tell Overture" (what a mom says in a 24 hour period in a 2 minute song!) but she has other music spoofs that are just as funny. I loved the Carrie Underwood impression video, "Think Before I Eat". Anyways if you ever get the opportunity to see her, it is a must! She performs at the Woman of Faith conferences and is often on the ABC Good Morning America show. I just read an article on her and it said that she has 3 kids (grown) and one is a girl. Funny, she never mentioned her, just her two boys. It also said she home schooled them some. I will have to dig into that further and see what "some" means. This surprises me since the lyrics of the overture has to do with getting your kids on the bus to go to school. One of my favorite topics she covered last night where that her husband could never have an affair, except to the GPS's woman's voice. That voice is always so calm and polite, even when her husband makes a wrong turn or misses an exit! She said she is in the passenger seat yelling at her husband that he missed the turn, and "the voice" is just going on calmly saying "recalculating"! If you have a GPS unit, I know you are laughing right now! Anyways that is just an example of Anita's humor that produced tears from laughter! We all need that good laugh and she delivered last night! Loved it!

Other happenings over the weekend.... I started to decorate for Christmas! I know it is not even Thanksgiving, but I figured I would get done what I could before and concentrate on shopping afterwards. I did purchase a few gifts this weekend, but a few does not even begin to make a dent in my list! Bill and I have a shopping date planned for tonight hopefully we will get more done! You cannot even imagine what is like to buy for 5 kids plus other family members (well I guess if you have 5 kids or more, you can imagine, but you know what I mean!). BUT I am determined not to let the stress get to me this year! I will stay Merry all through the holiday! I will not get overwhelmed and let scrooge into my head! I will make this a memorable Christmas! I am DETERMINED! We'll see!

Idea for Thanksgiving... get a jar and some slips of paper and just lay them out on your kitchen table. Have the family write down everything they think of that they are thankful for, for the next few days. Then you can spend some time reading them on Thanksgiving. I think the kids will get into the challenge of who can come up with the most. I know we will fill a jar! I will share what they come up with at the end of the week! This idea came from the Family Man, a home school dad who has a weekly newsletter. He is such a "sensitive" dad that Bill think his wife writes it all for him. Regardless, the words of wisdom of how to lead your family in a Godly way are very valuable and we have gotten some great ideas from him! He sells a game called "To Bethlehem" that my kids love to play - it is quite quirky, but cute!

Sorry there are no pictures to this post. I promise some for tomorrow!

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