From the mouth of a "babe" as the saying goes: here is the dialog I had with my nephew, Mitchell, who is 8. (Remember I am watching my cousin's kids because her father in law just passed away from cancer - see last post. A year ago they loss my cousin's mother in law to the same type of bladder cancer. So they have been through a lot!
Upon the mention of a doctor in a totally unrelated subject Mitch pipe up and saids: "I am going to be a doctor or surgeon, so that I can cure cancer. I HATE cancer! So I will be a doctor that fights it!" To which I reply, "I hate cancer too. That is why we participate in Relay so we can raise money to find a cure!" Mitch pipes up, "I want to go to every Relay and raise a lot of money." So we all brainstorm on ways we can raise money, "We can sell cookie dough, candy bars, etc." the conversation dies off as he gets back to playing his DS!
Cancer has effected us all. For those who might be reading this and do not know my background, I loss my mother to cancer in 1995. I do everything I can to help raise funds for the American Cancer Society so they can do research to find a cure. I am determined not to hear the words "you have cancer" nor have any of my children hear them either. One of the ways we do our part is participating in the Canal Winchester Relay For Life, actually Bill and I have chaired it for the first 3 years. Last year our little town of 5000 people raised $118,ooo! Our goal was only $35,000 because we raised $33,ooo the year before. WOW! This town really cares and came together for a common cause. If you do not know about Relay For Life please find one in your area and go experience it in 2009! I promise you will not be disappointed! Also if you know of anyone who is suffering from cancer or you would like more info on cancer please check out their website: There is a wealth of valueable information on that site!
Last year at our Relay, I celebrated my 98 y.o. grandmother who is a survivor of breast cancer for 30+ years. My aunt accompanied her and she too is a survivor! It was a wonderful evening and I was glad I got to share it with them! Here are some photos of our event! Now, GO GET INVOLVED and DO YOUR PART!.JPG)
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