Go VOTE! As Bill and I waited in line this morning at 6:30am I was overwhelmed with a patriotic feeling! What a privilege we have in America to be able to choose who will lead our country. So many people were waiting to do just that so early in the morning! Do you all remember the last presidential election and the long lines (and problems) to vote? I waited until the evening to vote then and we had to wait for almost 2 hours. Well I guess voting first thing is not any better. Maybe if we went in the middle of the day it would be better? I hope NOT. I love seeing all the people voting and taking part in such a critical decision. Don't get me wrong I would rather not stand in line, but instead of complaining, I looked at the postitive side... WOW that is something new for me! So reguardless of who you are voting for feel proud that you are living in a free country where we can choose who leads us. (depending on who wins, we may not be the smartest country - but at least we are free). Then go say a prayer thanking GOD for living in this country and all the service men and women who fight for our freedom! By the way, it took us only a half an hour to vote. When we pulled up to the polling place the line was super long - outside the building. After standing in it for 10 minutes, we realized that we were not in our precint line. We live in a small precint, so after finding the right line, we were able to vote and be done in no time! It pays to live in a small town!
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